Sunday 7 August 2016

Things you need to know about your health (Health is wealth)

Health is the level of functional and metabolic efficiency of a living organism in human it is the ability of individual or communities to adapt and self-manage when facing physical, mental or social challenges.also the health is a state of well-being or balance, often physical but sometimes also mental and social.
Your health is one thing you must take care of because a great man ones said "your health is your
wealth" so take care of your health in other to be wealthy.


When you are a kid, you've got it easy, you have dedicated nap times you can eat lunchable without judgement. And perhaps one of the most underrated perk is this; your caregiver drive you to your appointment.
However now that you're considered an adult (even though you may not feel like one), gone are the carefree days of not keeping track of your last physical or dental cleaning. You're in charge of your own well-being and it's important to keep taps on each component in order to maintain a healthy body or mind.


  1.  Eat Breakfast; start your morning with a healthy breakfast and include lean protein, whole grains, fruit and vegetable. try making a breakfast burrito with scrambled egg, low-fat cheese, salsa and a whole wheat tortilla or a parfait with low-fat plain yogurt, fruit and whole grain cereal.
  2. Fix healthy snacks; healthy snacks can be sustain your energy-levels between meals,especially when they include a combination of foods, chose from two or more of the myplate food groups:grains, fruits, diary, and protein.Try raw veggies with low-fat cottage, or a tablespoon of peanut butter with an apple banana.
  3. Cut back on added sugar; food and drinks with added sugars can contribute empty calories and little or on nutrition.reviewing ingredients on the food can help you identify sources of added sugar.
  4. Exercise your body; make sure you do exercise at least twice a week because it helps your body and mind feel relax. it is an extremely important factor in staying healthy so try to be as active as you can
  5. Eat seafood twice a week; seafood like fishes and shellfish contains a range of nutrients including healthy omega-3 fat. salmon,trout,oysters and sardines are higher in omega-3s and lower in mercury.
  6. Drink more water; drinking of water to quench thirst is more better that taking of sugary drinks. stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of water if you are an older adult.
  7. Watch portion sizes; get out the measuring cups and see how close your portions are to the recommended serving size.
  8. Understand what you are eating; make an effort to learn about the food you're eating so that you can know where it cones from and how it can effect our body.
  9. Cook from scratch; this is one of the most important life skill you can allow you to hake complete control of what goes into your food.
  10. Sleep well; make sure you get enough sleep,it's is an exencial part of being healthy and directly affect how well we are able to learn grow and act in life while we're asleep our bodies have that all important time to repair.   
Photo courtesy by Tax Credits

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